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Say goodbye to manually turn on/off appliances. Lumive Smart Power Strip makes your home smarter and more convenient by providing remote control over any household appliance from anywhere via smartphone app or voice commands.

The internet has created a world that is increasingly dependent on technology. People spend their days in front of a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and when they get home, they don’t always want to give up the connectivity. Home automation will allow you to control aspects of your house from almost anywhere in the world. There are many ways to integrate your home with the web and automate tasks that previously required manual labor (or at least attention).

Smart power strips can be controlled remotely

Smart power strips can be controlled remotely via smartphone or tablet. There are also smart power strips that can be controlled by voice commands, like Amazon Alexa or Google Home.

By connecting smart home devices to your Wi-Fi network, or creating a home Wi-Fi network, you will be able to control your home smart devices in a more convenient and consistent manner.

Some people already have inexpensive Wi-Fi routers or wireless switches and these can be connected to your router using an Ethernet cable. There are much more cost-effective routers that allow wireless control of different devices in the home, such as TVs, game consoles, DVD players, Chromecast, Streambar, Wirecutter Smart Plug, or our budget recommendation, the TP-Link AC4000 Smart WiFi Router.

Control your home from anywhere in the world

Have you ever dreamed of building your own home automation system using Amazon Echo or Google Home smart home devices? It’s now possible with the help of Lumive smart power strips. These strips provide an easy way to control various electronics in your home, from lighting to electronics. Plus they look super cool! with 4 USB charging ports which could be controlled wirelessly as well. Knowing how to use power strips will significantly improve your home security and automate various tasks in your home.

If you have your home listed on Airbnb, you can control it from anywhere in the world through an app on your phone. This is a great perk of hosting on Airbnb, as it allows you to check in on your home when you’re away and make sure everything is safe and secure and that there aren’t any problems.

There are many ways you can hide your Wi-Fi connection from guests. Many modern routers have guest network capabilities, so guests can only access these networks via their router since they can’t connect directly to your network. You can also hide your network’s SSID through a program like GoodNinja, which hides the SSID from the router’s UI. Light clients, such as switches, resent much less interference from unwanted clients than Wi-Fi systems.

Operate multiple devices at once with power strip automation

If you put many devices into a power strip, you may automate them with a smart power strip with little effort and have control over your gadgets to switch on/off via the app or set schedules and timers to your life routine.

Smart power strips and sockets are a simple and affordable way to upgrade ordinary household appliances, lighting, and other electronics into smart home devices that can be controlled from your smartphone. With Lumive smart power strip in your kitchen, you can connect your coffee machine, as well as a rice cooker, and more devices to be able to convert your kitchen to a smart one with just one simple power strip.

Using Tuya App or Smartlife App which is compatible with android and ios you can achieve endless control possibilities such as turning on your fan automatically, set coffee machine to work at a certain time, schedule your curtain to open in the morning, and voice control compatible with Amazon Alexa/Echo and Google Home and much more.

Lumive Smart Power Extension cord 13A specifications & Applications

Lumive Smart Power Strip cable comes with a 13A capacity which is enough for most home appliances. It comes with four 3 pin UK outlets for plugging in appliances you want, Also it comes with  100-220 V output with internal fuse protection and earthing.

Lumive Smart Power Strip comes with four USB charging ports for charging smartphones or any 5V gadgets.

With Lumive smart power Strip, you can control the four outlets individually, on the other hand, USB ports receive power as a single unit.

Lumive Smart Power Strip Main Features

Fire Retardant Material

There are many times when fires break out due to an electrical issue. In some cases, this comes from a power extension. Substandard power extensions are made of a material that easily catches fire. In fact, such extensions even lack foul-proof mechanisms to curb fire breakouts. A smart power strip is made of a material that is fire retardant. In other words, this is the kind of material that does not easily support fire. Even if there is an overload, you will not easily see flames blazing around in no time.

Timing Your Usage 

There is no doubt that many households do not take time to monitor how they are using power. This is because they may not have the options to handle this aspect smartly. With Lumive smart power strip this is an easy task. You can easily time your turning on and turning off of your households as required. At the same time, you can also have a chance of timing the user hours. This means that you can come up with a schedule that helps you to make the gadgets useful. Of course, this will also mean that you will save some energy along the way.

Remote Controlling Convenience

Instead of always getting down to turn on your power extension by pressing a button, Lumive has another solution. You can control the power extension remotely with the help of a wireless connection. This means that if you decide to turn off or on those lights, you can go ahead. This does not matter whether you are in a different room or standing outside. The power extension will respond and you can save your energy for other more important things.

Durability & Surge protection

Lumive has been on the market for some time and it has proved its reliability. It is made of materials that last and the design is strong enough for prolonged usage. When it comes to the aspect of surge protection, the whole system has been smartly done. You don’t just expect to see a fuse in the circuit to handle such instances with this product. There is a separate circuit that handles surge protection without problems. This way, it has precise protection for your expensive appliances connected to the extension.

Tuya Smart Life App

You need to make full use of the gadget without leaving out any features. This is where Tuya smart life app comes in. You can download it online from Google Play Or Apple App Store and start benefiting from the features that you have paid for with this smart extension. After downloading it and proper setup you can go ahead and connect it with Google Home or Amazon Alexa depending on your choice. With this integration, you can have voice control in addition to limitless possibilities with other Smart Home devices

Lumive Smart Power Strip Compatible with Alexa and Google Home


Lumive smart power extension is the modern choice you need in a smart home. You will save yourself from the heavy stress of finding the right extensions and spending too much money on things that may not even work. This is there to cut costs and reduce the hustle of running back to the house when you want to control the powering on and off. With its excellent features, your appliances and gadgets are safe!